5 Overlooked Search Engine Issues that Steal Your Sales

It’s important to understand eCommerce site search best practices. Why? People who use your on-site eCommerce search are demonstrating their intent to purchase. They are looking for something specific, and expect relevant results when using search. Is your search able to deliver?

In working with a variety of eCommerce companies using different types of search platforms, we’ve seen some key issues that your current analytics tools may not be telling you about and eCommerce site search best practices that you want to be sure to apply.

Common issues or areas where eCommerce site search functionality falls short include:

  • Tail queries, which may seem unimportant on a case-by-case basis, but in aggregate could add up to almost half of your total queries
  • Presentation, including the use of quality images, descriptive titles and price consistency
  • Not everyone is shopping; customers could be searching for business information, and your search should be designed to handle those requests
  • Irrelevant results, which can be hard to identify, but very frustrating for customers
  • Mobile search, which is different from searches entered on desktops

Learn more by downloading our whitepaper today.

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