5 Ways to Maintain Work-Life Balance

There’s so many things happening in our day-to day-lives, it’s a challenge to find time to de-stress when there’s so much on your plate. When you’re pulled too far in one direction, it can start to feel like you don’t have time for anything else.
Many of our Contributors work from home and understand how incredibly important it is to maintain a work / life balance. That’s why we’re introducing these five steps you can follow to help you get started.

1. Take a break

It sounds pretty simple and that’s because it is! Whether it’s a quick five-minute break to take a stretch, or carving out time in your day for a non work-related activity, making time to step away from your computer can make a huge difference in your productivity.
“Taking screen breaks throughout your day will help you get more done with greater ease and enjoyment and will also lower stress on your body and mind, which will benefit your overall health,” says Krista-Lynn Landolfi, a master transformation coach.

2. Make your work area a peaceful place 

If you have your own dedicated office space, there are some simple solutions to make it a more peaceful place to work. A couple of quick examples are making sure it’s free of distractions (like TV) or adding a sign to the door asking others not to disturb you. Decluttering your work space can also make a huge difference in improving your focus.
For those without a separate room to work in, you may consider investing in headphones to help block out any noise. If you work from a laptop or phone, try to designate one corner of your home that is specifically for work.

3. Take a walk

Getting steps in before or after work can not only help improve your health but also clear your mind. Walking for 30 minutes each day is recommended, but even just a quick walk outside is a great first step. After all, you have to start somewhere!

4. Meditation

Meditation may sound intimidating to those who haven’t tried it, but luckily there are many apps to help beginners give it a shot. One of the benefits is helping reduce stress, as well as decreasing feelings of anxiety and depression for some.

5. Identify your bad habits

Taking the time to understand your work habits may help you identify ones that need to change. In this video, Harvard Business School Professor Ashley Whillans discusses three rules for better work / life balance
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